Hello again. Now I have a lot of catching up to do. So we left you at Rosario, a city that outshone our expectations. The city looks inland on maps but it was once a bigger port than Buenos Aires due to the massive Pirana river that flows past all the way to Paraguay and beyond. 

Mendoza had a lovely warm climate especially after coming up from the south but Rosario was scorching! We found it so strange how the locals were wearing woolen jumpers and legwarmers when we were down to our bikinis!! Nicki and pal on a river beach with delta island in the background:

The city is also home to the very first Argentinian flag and a massive monument was build to house it:

View from the top:
From there we headed north to Corrientes and if we thought Rosario was scorching then Corrientes was a furnace.

The same river was flowing past the town, even though we travelled over 1000km north. Not too much to say about the town only that we loved the small town tranquillo pace of life and the more tropical feel to the place. I got in a twist:

...and Nicki had an encounter with a ceiling fan:
xxx R & N

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